R&D Tax Credits

Businesses in most industries can claim back up to 33.35% of their eligible research and development costs through R&D Tax Credits

R&D Tax Credits explained

Never claimed before?

If you’ve never claimed R&D Tax Credits – find out if your business is eligible to claim

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Already claiming R&D Tax Credits?

If you’re already claiming R&D Tax Credits – check if your business could claim more

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Accountant or Business Adviser?

See how we can work together and why Accountants choose us as their preferred partner

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R&D Grants

Take your innovative products and services to the next level with our expert help to secure grant funding from Innovate UK, Horizon Europe and others

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research and development department

Why use our services?

max r and d tax relief

Maximum Benefit

We are a team of R&D tax relief specialists with a background in a range of industry sectors. By profiting from our specialist knowledge and experience, you can be sure of gaining the maximum benefit from any R&D tax incentives your business is entitled to.

Industry Leading Success Rate

Our R&D tax relief claims are often significantly higher than those prepared by companies in-house or outsourced to generalist accountants.
When it comes to innovation grants, we have an industry leading success rate.

Peace of Mind

You can be assured your R&D tax claim is being taken care of by experts. Collectively we have worked on thousands of claims and have strong relationships with HMRC, with a thorough understanding of the regulations and how to apply them.

Latest News

R&D Tax Credits Statistics 2024

R&D Tax Credits Statistics are released annually and provide insight into the number and value [...]

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Understanding HMRC’s Enquiry Process

Reducing the level of non-compliance in the R&D tax relief schemes is a priority for [...]

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R&D Tax: How to Avoid a HMRC Enquiry

Since it was identified that the R&D tax relief schemes have been subject to high [...]

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Applying for Grant Funding in 2024

Grant funding helps companies of all sizes invest more in R&D projects and realise commercial [...]

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Is Your Business Eligible to Claim R&D Tax Relief?

company claiming r and t tax credits

Whatever industry you’re in, if your business is developing new products, processes, devices or services, or working to improve existing ones, you may be entitled to claim R&D tax relief. Want to know if your business could make a claim?

The definition of R&D for tax purposes is very wide in scope so whilst you may not think your business is conducting R&D, some of your activities may actually qualify under the R&D Tax Relief scheme. R&D doesn’t just take place in a laboratory or specialist department, it can be undertaken in any area of your business.

To find out if your activities qualify and determine if you could claim R&D Tax Relief, please contact us for a free and informal exploratory chat.

r and d team

We regularly speak to business owners and Finance Directors who don’t believe their business is eligible for R&D tax relief. If you don’t believe your business is eligible to claim it’s always worth checking the facts with a specialist

Many businesses are advised in good faith by their accountants or management consultants that they aren’t eligible to claim R&D Tax Credits, and many come to this conclusion following their own assessment.

In a significant number of these cases a consultation with R&D Funding Group has revealed that many of these businesses are entitled to R&D tax relief and could in fact be claiming it.

If you think your business is not eligible, or you’ve been advised that it’s not, it costs nothing to get a second opinion but could be worth thousands to your business. Contact us for a free and no-obligation consultation.

The Reason Your Business Could Be Claiming More R&D Tax Relief

R&D for tax purposes

A broader definition than you may have thought

The definition of R&D for tax purposes is much broader in scope than many businesses consider and the key to maximising a claim is in the accurate identification and justification of the qualifying costs and activities.

As specialists in this area, we are able to correctly identify, review and document all your qualifying R&D activities and as a result, we prepare claims that are often significantly higher than those made in-house or by Accountants.

r and d tax claim

We can also add value to your past claims

Because we know that so many companies are under-claiming R&D tax incentives we frequently review, amend and resubmit claims to HMRC. This process has already successfully enhanced claims by significant sums for businesses across all industry sectors.

r and d tax credit meeting

How can we do this?

Every member of our team is highly experienced in R&D Tax Relief with a minimum of 10 years’ specialism in this field, combined with a background in industry. Whilst Accountants frequently prepare and submit claims for their clients, we are often able to uncover areas of claim potential which non-specialists overlook, thus ensuring the claims we prepare are fully optimised.

applying for r and d tax credits

Find out how we can help your business successfully secure and maximise R&D funding

Call us on 020 3603 2096
Email info@rdfunding.co.uk
or complete and submit this short form:

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